Thursday, February 22, 2007

yet another thing that transpired!

Yes.. wouldn't call this blog space has a genesis or a beginning because that would not be appropriate. 'Kitchen n Cup' just transpired out of nothing but would be wrong not to mention and apreciate the contribution of all those management theories and concepts packed and parcelled in our heads at college. And because it transpired in canteen while we discussed ofcourse on kitchen and cup (yeah that may sound weird for two MBA grads in an office canteen to talk about... but believe me we made a lot more sense in that talk than we made in any of our official talks :) ) we decided to name it so.

As this would be co-contribution blog where in one might look wise whereas the other may not and vice versa (this was necessary to avoid conflicts between the authors ;) ) hence it has been titled, 'Wise and OtherWise'. hoping that all you readers will have good time reading our musings on the Kitchen n Cup.. :)